
Bitcoin News Journal

US regulators eye Bitcoin supervision

U.S. Regulators Eyes To Take Control Of Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the rising internet currency could be regulated by authorities in near future. After the turbulence at the online currency, the U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) considering whether the digital currency falls under

Bitcoin in China

China Poised To Become Leader Of Bitcoin Market

Bitcoin is getting popular in china day by day, last week we saw a sudden spike in official Bitcoin client from China as Chinese TV broadcaster CCTV aired a 30 minute show on Bitcoins,

Mtgox Lawsuit

Mtgox Hit With $75 Million Lawsuit

Mtgox, the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, slapped with a $75 million lawsuit by CoinLab. According to a report published by Gawker, CoinLab alleges Mtgox to breach the terms of the agreement, in which CoinLab

Namecoin, Litecoin, Ripple and PPCoin

Litecoin vs PPCoin vs Namecoin vs Ripple

The Bitcoin market is growing with rising exchange rates. The success of digital currency Bitcoin attracts imitators. Litecoin, Ripple, PPCoin and some other crypto-currencies promise to circumvent problems of the main bitcoin system. The digital

Western Union, MoneyGram Considering Using Bitcoin

According to WSJ, Western Union and MoneyGram International, both are studying ways their customers could use their services to send and receive money transfers in bitcoins. This could be a major breakthrough to Bitcoin


Mt. Gox Halts Bitcoin Trading, Following Massive Price Decline

Mt. Gox, world’s  largest bitcoin exchange, the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, has halted trading until 10 PM ET “to allow the market to  recover from the significant drop in price” that happened yesterday, when


Is Bitcoin Under DDoS Attack? Price Surges to 150$

As you know Bitcoin market is crashing continuously since today morning, and it already dropped from a high of $265 to a low of $156 in a period of six hours. Mt. Gox, The

Bitcoin $200

Bitcoin Value Surpassed $200 Each

The great Bitcoin bubble just surpassed $200 mark, at the time of writing one Bitcoin was worth $223. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an anonymous developer known by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.In July